NOTE: If you are currently in prison/jail you are not required to submit the documents marked with an asterisk(*)
• If a question is not applicable, your response should be N/A.
• In Section 3: Arrest 1 should be your oldest arrest followed by your next oldest if applicable, on Arrest pages 2, 3 etc. List the sentence for each offense. Please state whether you received jail time and/or probation and the length of time. Ex. 2 Years’ Probation and 2 – 23 Months Jail or 10 Years Prison or No Further Sentence, etc. Also indicate if the sentence was concurrent or consecutive, if applicable. The amount of any fines, costs, fees and/or restitution you were required to pay must also be provided.
• A $40.00 filing fee is to be paid online once you complete filling out your application online.
• Obtain Required Documents - Access and Review Pennsylvania Criminal History Record, Driving Record, court documents and a color headshot photo. You will be required to upload these documents after you have completed your application (see upload instructions below). *
• Your application is not complete until you have completed your entire application, have paid the filing fee and have obtained and uploaded all the required documents as stated below.
1. An Access and Review Pennsylvania State Police Criminal History Record (REQUIRED): This version of the Pennsylvania Criminal History Record cannot be requested online. You must use the following SP 4 – 170 form - record check form.pdf. Complete the form and include a copy of a government issued photo ID (i.e. driver’s license, passport, etc.) along with a $10.00 money order or certified check and mail to the Pennsylvania State Police Central Repository–RCPU, 1800 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110. If someone other than the applicant is requesting the record, you must also send a legal affidavit or letter of representation along with the request. This process can take up to six (6) months. We can only accept an Access and Review Pennsylvania Criminal History Record that is less than one (1) year old.
2. Driving Record(s) (REQUIRED): You can obtain your driving record on-line at Under General Services on the right hand side, click on More Online Driver and Vehicle Services. Under Driver’s License/Photo ID Services, click on Request Your Driver History. Follow the directions for purchasing the Full History Record. If you do not want to request it online, you must use the following DL-503 form - Form/DL-503.pdf to obtain the record and include the $9.00 fee. Questions regarding your record request and/or your driving record should be directed to: PennDot, Bureau of Driver Licensing, P.O. Box 68695, Harrisburg, PA 17106, 1-800-932-4600 or 717-412-5300. If you don’t have a Pennsylvania Driving Record, you must tell us in writing in a letter with your application. If you live out-of-state, you must provide a Driving Record from the state that you currently reside in, as well as a Pennsylvania Driving Record if you had one at any time prior to or after moving. We will only accept a Full Driver History Record that is less than one (1) year old. If you do not have a driver’s license, you must provide a copy of your ID card and indicate that you do not have a driver’s license.
3. Court documents for each arrest (REQUIRED). Contact and/or visit the court in the county you were sentenced.
a. Criminal Complaint (Citation if sentenced by a Magisterial District Judge)
b. Affidavit of Probable Cause
c. Criminal Information/Indictment (The charging document in the Court of Common Pleas.)
c. Final Plea or Verdict
d. Disposition/Sentencing Order
e. Proof of payment of all Fines, Costs and/or Restitution. If you have an outstanding balance, you must provide a receipt showing your current balance and the date of your last payment.
NOTE: If any of the above documents could not be obtained, a letter from the court indicating the document is not available is required.
1. Required Court Documents (1 consolidated document for upload):
Create one electronic file, for upload, by scanning the following documents together in the order provided below. If you have more than one case, the second and subsequent cases would go after all the documents for the first and oldest of your cases. The order of the documents starts over for each subsequent case.
• Criminal Complaint
• Affidavit of Probable Cause
• Criminal Information
• Final Plea/Verdict
• Disposition/Sentencing Order
• Proof of Payment of all Fines, Costs and/or Restitution
2. Other Required Documents (Individual documents for upload):
The following documents are uploaded separately:
• Pennsylvania State Police Access & Review Criminal History Record
• PA Driving Record
• Out of State Driving Record
• Photo
3. Supporting Documents (Not Required) (1 consolidated document for upload):
Create one electronic file, for upload, by scanning the following documents together
• Letters of recommendation
• Certificates
• Awards
• Diplomas
• In order to complete a clemency application online you must first create a User ID
· First time users of this application, please click here -> Create New Account
· Returning users of this application, please click here -> Login